Store, share, and download your files securely with Autonomys Network decentralized permanent storage.
Upload files and folders to Autonomys Network decentralized permanent storage, by simply dragging and dropping them into the upload area. Or select files and folders from your computer.
Secure your data with optional end-to-end encryption on Autonomys Network. Choose between setting a global encryption key for all files, customizing keys per file, or uploading without encryption - putting you in complete control of your data security.
Create API keys to access Autonomys Network decentralized permanent storage, through our API.
Implement Auto-Drive's powerful permanent decentralized storage capabilities into your own applications using our official NPM package. Get started quickly with a familiar JavaScript/TypeScript interface and comprehensive documentation.
npm install auto-drive
yarn add auto-drive
Autonomys Network uses the Auto-DAG data structure, which store your data on chain in small chunks to fit the block size limit of Autonomys Network and to ensure the integrity and authenticity of your data.
Sign in now to store, share, and download your files securely with Autonomys Network decentralized permanent storage.